The Cave of Hira: History and its Significance
The cave on the Jabal Al-Nour Mountain is known as the Cave of Hira. The mountain is also known as the ‘Hill of Illumination’ or ‘Mountain of Light’. The cave is not more than 1.5 meters in width and a little less than 4 meters in length. According to Islamic history, it is at this place Prophet Muhammad is said to have been blessed with the first of his many revelations during the month of Ramadhan in 610 CE. According to the Quran, the night of revelation is known as ‘the Night of Power’.
How to reach the Cave of Hira?
Jabal Al-Nour Mountain is located in the Hejaz region of Saudi Arabia, outside Makkah. It is on this mountain that the Cave of Hira is located at a height of 634 meters. It is distanced by 4 km from the Holy Kaaba and overlooks the north with its entrance directly facing the Kaaba. It is in this cave that the first divine words of revelation are believed to have descended upon Prophet Muhammad to light up the universe.
Since the cave is located on the top of the Noor Mountain it takes a lot of effort to reach it. To cover the 20 meters, one may walk to and from the cave, which takes about 45 minutes to 3 hours. This may vary according to an individual’s physical strength and ability This peak of the mountain is clearly visible for many kilometers around. After climbing about 1,200 steps one can easily recognize the Cave of Hira by a sign painted on stone.
History of the Cave of Hira
The cave of Hira’s history goes back to the youth of Prophet Muhammad PBUH when he used to work as a tradesman, traveling all around Palestine and Syria. The Prophet had its first revelation in the dreams which came true. Then he felt the need to have a place of solitude. The cave of Hira provided him with an opportunity to think quietly and meditate far from the busy lanes of Saudi Arabia.
One night, around the Tahajjaud time, during the month of Ramadan (610 CE). When the 40years old, Prophet Muhammad PBUH was in deep meditation in the cave of Hira. Angel Jibreel visited the Prophet in the form of a human with a piece of silk brocade.
The angel asked Prophet to recite to which he replied that he cannot read. After persuading the Prophet a couple of times to read and to his denial the angel replied,
Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who has created (all that exists), He has created man from a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood), Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous, Who has taught (the writing) by the pen. He has taught man that which he knew not.”
These were the first verses of the Quran that were revealed to the Prophet, and he attained Prophethood.
For Muslims, the Cave of Hira holds a lot of significance as the Prophet Mohammad is believed to have spent time in the cave meditating and has been presented with his first revelation of the Quran by the Angel Jibreel. The history of Islam, along with rising views of Makkah and the Holy Mosque, makes Jabal Al-Nour a renowned tourist spot among pilgrims worldwide.